Avoid unnecessary shutdowns and inefficient operation by implementing preventative maintenance practices which can keep cycle times optimized.
Proper temperature control in plastic manufacturing is an integral part of an efficient operation. By not addressing the formation of water formed deposits you will impede proper heat transfer, increase mold rejection rates and experience inefficient cycle times. This equates to higher operational costs which cascade down to reduced profitability per part.
You can avoid unnecessary shutdowns and inefficient operation by implementing preventative maintenance practices which can keep cycle times optimized. Goodway’s effective descaling solutions circulated through the cooling passages will safely dissolve down water formed deposits allowing them to be freely removed from the equipment.
Here at Goodway, we hear stories like this every day- a customer contacted Goodway and requested help cleaning an extruder. The water passages on the extruder had tight tolerances and the cooling water flow rates were minimized as a result of scale accumulations. The scaling was the cause of slow cycle times and unacceptable rejection rates. After circulating ScaleBreak® through the cooling passages for a brief couple of hours, the equipment was again functioning as designed.
Goodway descalers can easily be used to remove deposits from cooling passages of molds. Don’t wait for total blockage to occur, keep molds clean for proper functionality and extended life.
Goodway also makes innovative pump system designs to help accommodate the circulation of our descaling solutions.
Our descalers can effectively clean:
- Molds
- Piping
- Pumps
- Chillers
- Extruders
- Fluid Coolers
- Cooling towers
- Cooling jackets
- Hydraulic coolers
- Blown film coolers
- Cooling water tanks
- Brazed plate heat exchangers
- Shell & tube heat exchangers
- Temperature control units (TCU’s)
Please contact Goodway Technologies, 800-333-7467 and allow us to assist with your preventative maintenance procedures.