Easy to Follow Procedures for Descaling Chillers

Scalebreak® quickly removes deposits like lime, scale, and rust that otherwise drastically reduce efficiency, increase expenses, and damage vital components.
The second in our series, Cleaning With ScaleBreak® outlines the steps for cleaning chiller barrels with ScaleBreak.
When cleaning a chiller barrel, you will first need to visit our calculation tool at www.goodway.com/resources/calculators#!/chiller-menu1, so you know the proper amount of ScaleBreak® needed and how long to perform the circulation. The information in the calculation tool allows you to adjust the amount based on the thickness of scale in your chiller barrel.
- Isolate the chiller barrel by closing the supply and return water valves.
- Position a ball valve on the low point of the chiller barrel. This valve will function as your entry point for your ScaleBreak cleaning and can be closed to prevent backflow.
- Attach your circulation hoses, so you are pumping into the bottom of the chiller barrel and returning the fluid out the top.
- Your exit point on top needs to be at the highest point of the chiller barrel. If tubes are above your exit point, position the hose at a higher point. This action will bring up the liquid volume and ensure the higher tubes are flooded and do not become air-bound with CO2 or foaming resulting from the cleaning.
- Fill your chiller barrel with water and perform a hydrostatic test by turning on your pump and circulating water. This action assures the chiller barrel is isolated, and none of the ScaleBreak will be needlessly lost.
- You will need to bleed off enough water equal to the volume of ScaleBreak required for the cleaning. If you relieve too much water, you can add some back in to complete your recirculation loop.
- Water-formed deposits will occupy volume. As a result, additional water may need to be added during the cleaning duration as deposits are dissolved.
- Periodically check your isolation valves as they may have initially seated against scale. As ScaleBreak dissolves the scale, this action will help you avoid losing the product.
- Circulate the ScaleBreak solution for the recommended timeframe as indicated by our calculation tool.
- During your ScaleBreak cleaning, you will want to make sure your solution remains active. For this step, please follow our “Testing ScaleBreak’s Effectiveness” procedure.
- Once you have reached the recommended circulation time and your ScaleBreak solution has completed the job, you can begin your flushing process.
- Though ScaleBreak is a biodegradable solution, most facilities need to conform to pH discharge limits. ScaleBreak Neutralizer can be utilized to safely elevate your pH to meet your discharge limit so it can be flushed to the drain. Please follow the instructions for this process in the ScaleBreak Neutralizer information sheet.
- To flush your chiller barrel, turn off your circulation pump, remove the return hose from your recirculation system, and put it in a drain.
- Add a freshwater hose to your recirculation bucket on your pump system and turn the pump back on.
- Continue running clean water through the chiller barrel for 10-15 minutes or until the return water runs clear. This action will also flush your pump system.
- Disconnect your hoses, close the valves you performed your circulation through, and open the chiller supply water valves.
- Your chiller can now be returned to service.
This procedure is for off-line cleanings only. To clean a chiller while in operation, you will need to cycle ScaleBreak through the cooling tower system. Please contact Goodway Technologies for instructions.
Please note:
- Follow all local regulations for discharge.
- Follow all plant personal protective equipment guidelines as determined by your health & safety team.
- ScaleBreak formulas have very minimal corrosion rates. However, the application of ScaleBreak may reveal pre-existing under-deposit corrosion (UD). This type of corrosion can present itself in pitting, pinholes, or similar types of damage.
Please contact Goodway Technologies with any questions.