Customer Testimonials

Read reviews and testimonials from customers using various Goodway industrial maintenance solutions.

Clean Messy Floors With Dry Steam

"The dry steam and floor spinner combination quickly cut through the buildup, getting the debris removed entirely from the surface."

Almond Processing plant
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Steam Cleaning, A Cookie Bakeries Best Investment

See how we identified the perfect cleaning and sanitizing solution for a dry bakery conveyor belt using dry steam solutions and automated conveyor belt cleaning systems. 

Virginia Based Cookie Bakery
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“When guests saw the BIOSPRAY-10 being used in the lobby of our hotel, they were relieved to see the heightened measures we took for their safety” - Sanitation Manager

Read how one hotel in Fairfield County CT used BIOSPRAY sanitation solutions to keep hotel guests safe.

Fairfield County Hotel
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BIOSPRAY®-10: Keeping Animals and Guest Safe

When COVID-19 hit, the Aquarium was forced to shut down temporarily in support of the global effort to contain the spread of the coronavirus. As a result, Mystic Aquarium, which relies heavily on revenue from ticket sales, has lost millions -- and has been forced to make changes to the guest experience to ensure the health and safety of the animals in their care, their staff, and visitors.

Mystic Aquarium
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Cut Labor In Half with The CC-400

Read how the CC-400 keeps a reputable service mechanical and solutions provider maintain its reputation and customers impressed with better efficiency. 

Service Project Manager
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“Nothing comes close to the quality of this product...We’ll definitely buy again.”

“Before the CC-201T we were using run-of-the-mill portable sprayers from the local supply houses. The problem was that these machines don’t hold enough cleaning water and we were constantly refilling the tanks. This slowed us down a lot. We spent too much time at a faucet waiting for the cheaper sprayer tanks to fill instead of cleaning coils.”

Martin Namazi, Energy Technologies
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“Labor savings are a huge benefit of this machine..."

Read how one client achieved massive savings on labor and efficiency with our GDS-100 and ScaleBreak descaler. The efficiency of the heat exchanger improved immediately after it was descaled. When scaled, the heat exchangers at the power plant were only showing a temperature drop of 4 or 5 degrees. But after being descaled with the GDS-100, the heat exchangers were giving 8 to 9 degree temperature differences – nearly a 100% improvement.

Shift Supervisor, Municipal Waste Water Power Generation Plant
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"It turned a three-day job into a one-day job."

ScaleBreak and GDS-100 descalers save HVAC technician days of labor.

Joshua, HVAC Work Leader
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"Goodway’s service and attention to the customer is above and beyond."

"I would definitely use Goodway again, and definitely refer them to other people who are looking for the products it carries."

Mario DiCostanzo, Stamford President, AdvantaClean
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"We saw more than $20,000 in fuel savings in the first year."

The Chautauqua Belle is floating proof of the power of Goodway Technologies ScaleBreak liquid descaler.

Mathew Stage, Owner/Captain, US Steam Lines
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