Case Studies

We've collected a variety of case studies that can help you see the immediate value of Goodway Technology solutions in your business. 

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According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, energy costs are second only to personnel costs in K-12 school district operating budgets nationwide. To reduce energy consumption district-wide, a Texas School District committed to finding ways to become more efficient with their buildings, both in new construction design and in existing buildings.

A power plant in the Midwest was experiencing reduced power output due to scale deposits within their chillers. After utilizing (5) 330-gallon totes of ScaleBreak-MP for the first 1,700 ton system cleaning, the result was so successful, they decided to clean the remaining 3 systems immediately.

Una central eléctrica del Medio Oeste estaba experimentando una reducción de la producción de energía debido a depósitos calcáreos en sus enfriadores. Después de utilizar (5) contenedores de 330 galones de ScaleBreak-MP para la primera limpieza del sistema de 1.700 toneladas, el resultado fue tan satisfactorio que decidieron limpiar los 3 sistemas restantes inmediatamente.

Waste-to-energy plants burn municipal solid waste (garbage or trash), to produce steam in a boiler. That steam is used to power an electric generator turbine. This solid waste is a mixture of paper, plastics, yard waste, and products made from wood. Without waste-to-energy plants, all trash would just end up in landfills.

Brazed plate heat exchangers perform in many capacities, in this case study they were being utilized to cool flue gas.  Brazed plate heat exchangers transfer energy with high efficiency and minimal thermal loss. When operating in environments where poor water quality occurs, or with high temperatures, scale deposits from minerals within the water source may fall out of suspension and adhere to the heat transfer surface, creating an insulating barrier. This may have a detrimental impact on the heat exchanger’s performance and efficiency. In addition to efficiency loss, continued scale build can act as a breeding ground for particulate fouling which can result in corrosion issues. The facility realized efficiencies had fallen far below expected levels and recognized a cleaning was needed.

Built over a century ago and known as one of America’s oldest brands, this global confectionery plant maintains one of the world's largest, technologically advanced manufacturing facilities. But it needed better technologies for cleaning, sanitation, and allergen removal.