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PureBelt® Ensures Sesame Allergen Swab Passes

Food & Beverage Processing

Conveyor Belt Cleaning

A producer of baked bagels was looking for ways to pass sesame allergen swabs on their first attempt and be able to clean not one, but both of their spiral cooling conveyor belts. They wanted to accomplish this during their one production down day at their bakery in Long Island, New York.

The Challenge: Effective January 1st of 2023, the FDA declared sesame as the ninth major food allergen. Adhering to the new guidelines, the bakery was forced to perform a sesame allergen changeover, and they were often failing sesame allergen swabs with their current method of dry cleaning; it always took multiple attempts to pass. Furthermore, the need to allocate 12 hours of labor time using 3 people every week was a very labor-intensive and costly process. It had become detrimental to their operational efficiency.

“We have two spiral cooling conveyors upstairs in a small area. In the past, it mostly took 3 people 12 hours every Saturday to successfully clean and pass sesame allergen swabs on just one of their two belts. We never passed allergen swabs on the first try.”
- Joy Argerakis, Quality Food Safety Manager

The Solution: The experts from Goodway came to their facility and showed them the efficient cleaning power of their PureBelt® dry vapor steam conveyor belt cleaning system.

The Result: “Now, it takes 2 people only 30 minutes to clean each belt. We went from 12 hours of cleaning one belt inconsistently passing swabs, down to 1 hour of cleaning both belts and we now pass sesame allergen swabs on the first try, no re-cleaning.” Joy Argerakis, Quality Food Safety Manager

Download the case study here.

Advanced Clean

We now pass sesame allergen swabs on the first try, no re-cleaning!