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Heat Exchanger Tube Cleaning Using Projectile Scraper Cleaning is Safe and results in Negligible Tube Wall Reduction

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Authored By:

Timothy Robb
Goodway Technologies Corporation
Stamford, CT 06902

Victor Ceci
Goodway Technologies Corporation
Stamford, CT 06902



In the continuous pursuit of operational cost reduction and efficiency in power generation, energy companies must leverage both effective and efficient solutions. Decision-makers for companies in the power and petrochemical plant industries need effective information when choosing cleaning maintenance equipment. For example, the maintenance of capital equipment, such as surface condensers, using projectile scrapers needs to be cost-effective, resolve a need, be safe, and be of current technology. This white paper presents the findings from independent tests verifying that Goodway Technologies Corporation's mechanical projectile scrapers do not cause significant reduction in tube wall thickness, thereby confirming their safety and efficacy for heat exchanger tube cleaning in power and petrochemical plants and other market segments using similar heat exchange technology. The data underscores the capability of these scrapers to maintain cleaning efficacy without compromising equipment safety.


A common use for projectile tube cleaning in power plants includes removing deposits from the internal walls of tubes in surface condensers and other large-scale heat exchangers, Heat exchanger tubes in power plants and petrochemical plants are critical components that must be maintained for optimal efficiency. These tubes often accumulate various types of deposits, ranging from organic materials to inorganic hard deposits, which can significantly impair their function. Effective maintenance of these tubes is, therefore, essential to minimize energy costs and ensure system efficiency. Cleaning these fouled condenser tubes generally includes a mechanical or chemical process. In a mechanical process, projectiles are shot down the tubes, removing the fouling as they travel down the tube. For organic materials on tube walls, this is generally accomplished with projectiles having a brush or plastic blades on them. However, for harder fouling, like limescale, the use of a metal "scraper" projectile is required.

There is a preconceived notion that: "When metal parts move against other metal parts, they cause wear. It does not matter if the metal is soft or hard. It may be short-term, or it may be a long-term condition, but the metals wear". Goodway Technologies Corporation understands and intends to show, via an independent test, that their mechanical projectile products create negligible material reduction and are the method of choice to remove fouling from internal tube walls. As stated by Hovland, Rankin and Saxon1, "The use of mechanical cleaners, which can normally remove 90% of the fouling, will increase the life of plant heat exchanger tubes, and also provide an increase in operating efficiency." Therefore, the independent test intends to show that Goodway Technologies Corporation projectile scrapers produce negligible material reduction on the internal tube wall and do not harm the tube, either currently or its future performance. Thus, projectile scrapers are a cost-effective and safe product to use.

The test procedure designed by Goodway Technologies Corporation is similar to other industry tests. For example, other projectile manufacturers(1) conducted a similar test, as referenced in this document. 

Scraper Tested

For this document, the test lab conducted their testing on Goodway Technologies Corporation's metal projectile scraper products. As seen, in Picture #1, these two projectile scraper types were selected as representative samples for testing because they represent the most common sizes of projectile scrapers used in cleaning condenser tubes.

Various industry standards are used to specify tubes that are used in heat exchangers and condensers, such as ASTM-A-249, ASME-SA-249, etc. for stainless steel tubes and ASTM-A-213, ASME-SA-213, etc. for Copper-Nickel tubes.  The tubes that were used in the independent lab test procedures were selected to conform with these standards prior to cleaning these tubes with Goodway Technologies Corporation's projectile scrapers. 


Corporations' capital equipment, which use surface condensers, are concerned with the return on investment (ROI), including its efficiency and its durability.  For example, a condenser is a large long-term cost investment.  The efficiency of the surface condenser is based on the heat transfer capability, which relates to the tubes inside the condenser.  The internal wall surface of the tube can fill with debris, known as fouling.  Fouling tends to increase over time, and the fouling rate over time is system specific(2).  It is this challenge that the maintenance function of the company needs to balance (i.e., acceptable efficiency rate as compared to product specification, cleaning down time vs. production time, etc.) to ensure that the surface condenser is meeting its intended purpose.  The typical fouling types(2) are: 

a.    Deposition or particulate
b.    Scaling or crystallization
c.    Microbiological
d.    Debris or macrofouling
e.    Corrosion and corrosion products

Preventive measures used by a maintenance function may include either chemical (i.e., not discussed) or mechanical methods.  As for mechanical methods, the focus here is on using projectiles and does not consider the use of other mechanical means such as screens, clarifiers, filtrations, etc.  An aspect to consider is flow rate wear.  Howell and Saxon, Jr.(3), stated, "… higher flow rates can cause rates of erosion-corrosion in copper alloys." Thus, it is important to select the best option to maintain surface condensers. 


The methodology for assessing the safety and effectiveness of projectile scrapers involved a controlled test conducted by an independent laboratory—Dayton T. Brown.  The test used Goodway Technologies Corporation's projectile scrapers on common heat exchanger tube materials—Copper-Nickel and Stainless Steel.  The procedure was designed to rigorously evaluate the impact of these scrapers on tube wall thickness after repeated use, thereby simulating real-world conditions.  This included continuous testing over a single shift, ensuring consistency and reliability of results.  The test consisted of the following materials supplied by Goodway Technologies: 

1.    2 pcs. of 90/10 Copper-Nickel (CN) Tube, 10’ long x 0.75” OD x 0.049” wall thickness
2.    2 pcs. of 304 Stainless Steel (SS) Tube, 10' long x 1" OD x 0.049" wall thickness
3.    110 pcs. of SSM-075-18-6 Projectiles, used on 90/10 Copper-Nickel (CN) Tube
4.    110 pcs. of SSM-100-18-6 Projectile, used on 304 Stainless Steel (SS) Tube
5.    1 pc.  Projectile Launching System: BSL-50, Big Shot Condenser Tube Cleaning Gun
6.    1 pc.  Pumping System: BFP-3510-230-1, Surface Condenser Tube Cleaning System

The tube material and tube size for this test were selected because they are more commonly used within the heat exchange industry.  The launching and pumping systems were selected from Goodway Technologies' most popular models within the industry. 

Test Procedure 

The test plan was designed to compare the two types of mechanical projectile scrapers using two different tube materials, along with a change in projectile usage.  As indicated in the below Table #1, Shot Test4, the test variable (i.e., tube inside diameter) should be measured to calculate the amount of material reduction from the tube material wall thickness due to the shot projectiles upon completion of the test.  It is important to note that in this case, the wall thickness tolerance was 0.003" prior to shooting any projectile. 

Scraper test table 1

The four tubes were separated into two test groups, Group #1 and Group #2. The tubes in Group #1 were shot 100 times using a new projectile for each shot. The tubes in Group # 2 were shot 100 times using 10 projectiles which were reused 10 times each. A baseline inside diameter measurement was recorded by the technician prior to any shooting. The test plan is detailed in Table # 1, Projectile Test Plan. During the test, the four tested tubes were sectioned and measured after 25, 50, 75, and 100 projectile shots. Using a CMM, the measurements on the tubes were taken at a minimum of 1" inward from the tube edge, to prevent measurement error due to any type of edge burr.

The test plan used the following water criteria: 20 psi and 35 gpm at the water supply outlet. The pressure and flow rate are the minimum specifications of the BFP-3510-230-1, Surface Condenser Tube Cleaning System.

Test setup

The water output pressure at the end of the tube was not monitored, but the BFP-3510-230-1, Surface Condenser Tube Cleaning System specification is listed as 275-400 psi at 35 gpm.

A hanging tarp slowed each projectile shot and fell into a containment tank that collected the projectile and water from the BFP-3510-230-1, Surface Condenser Tube Cleaning System (Refer to Picture #2, Test Set-Up). The technician removed the projectile from the containment tank after each shot. As the 'single shot' projectiles from the two tubes identified in group #1 were gathered, they were segregated away from the test. As testing on group #2 tubes was completed, after the '10x' shot, the projectiles were gathered and segregated from the test.


Power plants and petrochemical corporations have many options for cleaning fouling from internal tube walls of surface condensers, such as chemical and mechanical methods. The use of mechanical projectile scrapers is a sufficiently cost-effective option for the maintenance practice to prevent tube corrosion and ensure equipment is not compromised. Also, it needs to be pointed out that "… off-line cleaning methods may sometimes require additional deposit removal assistance, especially where the deposits have been allowed to build up excessively(2)".

In summary, the test data demonstrates that Goodway Technologies' mechanical projectile scrapers are both safe and effective for cleaning heat exchanger tubes, leading to minimal material reduction. According to the test data, the amount of tube wall reduction is negligible for both Copper-Nickel and Stainless-Steel tubes, assuring that the structural integrity and performance of the tubes are maintained and thereby supporting the longevity and efficiency of the heat exchange system. Such findings reinforce the utility of mechanical cleaning as a cost-effective maintenance solution for power plants and petrochemical facilities. Therefore, assuring that the mechanical projectile scraper method is a safe practice.


The test data (refer to Table #1, Raw Data) indicates that the largest range of material reduction throughout the test was associated with the Stainless-Steel tube #2 at 0.0010" from the baseline measurement. While the other three tested tubes had a range less than 0.0005" from the baseline measurement.

The Copper-Nickel tested tubes had the least amount of tube wall reduction (i.e., 0.0003") as compared to the Stainless Steel (0.001").

Regarding differences between the tube wear in Group #1 (where new projectiles were used for every shot) vs. Group # 2 (where the same projectile was re-used 10X), the test data appears to indicate some difference. However, this difference is statistically insignificant given the 0.003" difference in allowable tolerance, materials, and measurements between the tubes. It is noted here that "Mechanical cleaners are usually replaced due to corrosion, wear, or loss. The typical use is ten shots per cleaner before discard(1)."

Scraper test table 2

Therefore, the reduction in the amount of tube walls is negligible. It is important to remind the reader that the specific tolerance of the tube wall should be considered along with the identified material reduction from this test. The wall thickness of the tubes used had a manufacturing tolerance of 0.003" prior to shooting. Based on empirical test result data, the indicated reduction of any material fell within the tolerance of tube thickness. This further reinforces the negligible material loss caused by the scrapers over 100 shots. In addition, the maintenance interval should be considered in further analysis of individual tubes.


  1. Hovland, Alan W., Rankin, Drew A, and Saxon Edward G., "Heat Exchanger Tube Wear By Mechanical Cleaners", CONCO Systems, Verona, PA
  2. Saxon, George, Jr. and Howell, Andy (2005), "The Practical Application & Innovation of Cleaning Technology for Cleaners", ENERGY-TECH.com ASME Power Division Special Section, August pp 19 to 26
  3. Howell, Andy and Saxon, George, Jr., The Practical Application, and Innovation of Cleaning Technology for Condensers
  4. Dayton T. Brown, Test Report No. 419261-01-04-W24-0049, January 2024, Long Island, NY
Surface Condenser Cleaning Solutions