Summertime and the Bed Bugs Are Bitin’

Does just thinking about bed bugs make your skin crawl? Well, get ready because now that the hot weather is here, those little buggers are out in full force.

Baby bedbugFor example, late last week a New Hampshire summer camp shut down for the rest of the season because of a bed bug infestation in the boys’ cabins.

The camp will undergo extensive extermination treatment including the replacement of bed frames and mattresses, and a thorough steam cleaning of all surfaces.

The fact is bed bug infestations are increasing across the United States. And although there is not technically a bed bug season, the creepy critters seem to be most prevalent in the summer months.

Nearly half (49%) of the respondents to the “2013 Bugs Without Borders” survey said bed bug infestations occur most often in the summer and less often in the winter, according to the National Pest Management Association, which conducted the survey.

It seems the heat and humidity bring out the best – or worst – in those annoying pests, making them want to feed and breed more often. And if that wasn’t bad enough, heat speeds up the life cycles of those horrible bloodsuckers.

However, there is some good news: bed bugs don’t carry disease. They just suck your blood for about 10 minutes – usually when you’re sleeping – leaving itchy welts.

But wait, there’s even more good news – sort of. Bed bugs don’t fly, although they get around so quickly it probably seems like they do. They have this whole travel thing all figured out – and more often than not, they tag along with you and your family.

For instance, they can travel from camp, like the one in New Hampshire, in your kiddo’s sneakers to your car and finally to your home. Or when you’re packing up to leave your room in that five-star hotel, they can hitch a ride home in your suitcase, most likely looking forward to the new digs. This is a huge problem in the summer because so many more people hit the road to take in the sights and sounds of America.

Earlier this year, we told you about the worst US cities for bed bugs as ranked by Orkin. They rank the cities based on the number of treatments performed by the company throughout the year in each location. Chicago claimed the top spot this past year, and some of the cities close behind included Los Angeles, Columbus, Ohio, Detroit and Cincinnati.

Fortunately, Goodway offers a selection of dry vapor steam cleaners to help you get rid of a bed bug infestation. Our models include a backpack model and a floor model. Both have high volumes of high-heat steam that kill bed bugs while also sanitizing and removing dirt, viruses, bacteria, allergens, mold and mildew.

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One comment

  • Thanks for this post!! Awww bed bugs 🙁 Like vampires, once they get in to your house, there’s no way getting them out. This helps!

    September 14, 2014

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