All About Just Venting, Goodway’s Maintenance Industry Blog

Welcome to Just Venting, a blog for HVAC, production, and manufacturing professionals and anyone who wants to learn more about the maintenance industry’s environmental, technological, social, economic, and personal aspects. This content is created by Goodway Technologies, an internationally known HVAC, facilities and production maintenance equipment manufacturer. The blog is for anyone and everyone who’s involved in any level of the maintenance business: building engineers, facilities managers, installers, technicians, business owners, cleaning crews, and more.

We’ve named the blog “Just Venting” because we want to air our thoughts and engage with you by sharing news and information about current trends in our HVAC industry. We’ll examine energy efficiency, LEED standards, Sick Building Syndrome. We’ll discuss cutting-edge technological innovations and HVAC maintenance solutions. We’ll talk about environmental health issues and the rapidly evolving legal landscape. We’ll look at the tough economy and the opportunities it presents. From time to time, we’ll interview authorities and experts in the field to gain their valuable perspectives on pressing issues. And we’ll talk about “going green.” how plays into the way we run our businesses, the way we design, construct and retrofit our buildings, and the way we heat, cool, and clean them.

We know working in maintenance is an exciting and sometimes overwhelming time. That’s why we’ll do our best to put things in perspective and help you relate the little details to the big picture. From a corporate point of view, our goal is to have as much interaction as possible with Just Venting readers and Goodway customers. The purpose of Just Venting is to present and discuss the issues that are important to you and us.

We hope you will get involved by leaving your comments and keeping the conversation going. We hope we can learn more about you and that the conversation positively impacts your job. We ask that you please read our user guidelines first and participate as much as possible.


  • I am entering into a commercial hvac training program. One of my assignments is to interview a few employees in that field. It would be a great help if you could publish this so maybe a couple of good-old-boys might step up and help me out. Here is the list of questions. Here is an email address that would be alright to publish for responses. Thanks …. .EMPLOYEE INTERVIEW
    Person interviewed;
    Job title;
    1.What do you do in a typical day?
    2.What skills and personal characteristics do you need to do this job?
    3.What is the rate of pay for entry level workers?
    What are the chances of promotion?
    What are the normal work hours?
    4.What is the outlook for your work in this area?
    Is the industry growing?
    5.What education, work experience or certificate is required for this job?
    6.Are there specific courses a student might take that would be particularly beneficial in this field?
    7.What are the physical qualifications for this job?
    8.Do you like the working conditions?
    9.Do you work on your own, under supervision, or as part of a team?
    10.What is the best way to conduct a job search in this field?

    May 23, 2009
  • I just found your blog this afternoon and wanted to leave some comments. With the computer age and technology rapidly pushing us forward it is sad to see that others have been slow to adopt new formats such as blogs and websites to share information and in effect grow a more informed customer base.

    Good luck to you guys and your blog. I will be checking out more posts in the future!

    December 3, 2011
  • […] to the Goodway brand by providing useful topical information. As you will see by looking at the blog’s welcome post, and post categories such as Green Buildings & Green Technology and Sick Building Syndrome, our […]

    February 29, 2012
  • This blog seems extremely informative and helpful. We are an HVAC service company in Greater Boston and are always in search of ways to broaden our knowledge and horizons. I look forward to following along and joining the conversation from time to time.

    November 13, 2013
  • ganesh

    Hi this is ganesh. We are using ammonia chiller for -25 degree application. In recent past we are facing problem of sudden oil carryover from oil separator and getting into phe which affects heat transfer and chiller trips. Can somebody help what could be a problem. We are using this chiller from last 3 years and we started facing this problem from last 25 days where this incident happen 4 times.

    November 1, 2015

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