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Cómo elegir el desincrustante químico adecuado

Cada año, la acumulación de incrustaciones y minerales cuesta a las empresas millones en pérdida de eficacia. Pero, ¿cómo saber si tiene un problema relacionado con depósitos de cal? Revise si tiene estos tres grandes problemas

  1. Ineficacia del sistema/bombas que están trabajando más
  2. Aumento de los costos operativos
  3. Fallo del equipo

Una vez que se identifica este problema, hay que empezar a buscar los sistemas específicos adecuados. Por lo tanto, hemos creado una guía para ayudarle a encontrar la mejor solución que eliminará las incrustaciones que reducen la eficacia de sus máquinas.

Las soluciones de desincrustación química y los sistemas de bombeo para la limpieza en el lugar que se utilizan para limpiar equipos que funcionan con agua pueden variar considerablemente en las distintas industrias. El uso de las metodologías correctas del procedimiento de limpieza es fundamental para el éxito de la misma. Ya sea que su sector específico sea la climatización, la industria manufacturera, la petroquímica, la generación de energía eléctrica, la industria de pasta & papel o cualquier otro, le ofrecemos las herramientas y soluciones adecuadas para que su programa de mantenimiento preventivo tenga éxito.

Veamos qué es lo que más le conviene.

Did You Know?

Many common descaling solutions on the market are hydrochloric acid-based. No matter how the manufacturer dresses up the acid’s name, it's hydrochloric acid. This is because HCl is regarded as fast and aggressive towards calcium carbonate.


Goodway® blends three liquid descaling solutions under the ScaleBreak® family name. We have our original blend ScaleBreak, ScaleBreak-SS, and ScaleBreak-MP.  All three descalers are biodegradable, designed for special applications, and are available in different sizing.






SCALEBREAK® descaler quickly dissolves mineral deposits like limescale safely. This high-performance biodegradable industrial descaler will quickly dissolve calcium, lime, rust, and other types of deposits from passages in water-cooled or heated equipment, like chiller tubes, boiler tubes, brazed plate heat exchangers, and so much more. It is safe for use on steel, iron, brass, copper, plastic, and rubber. When used as directed, it will help improve the operating efficiency and extend the life of your equipment.



SCALEBREAK®-SS industrial descaler is specifically designed for descaling stainless steel and is for the safe removal of scale and struvite deposits. This biodegradable descaler contains no HCL (Hydrochloric acid) yet retains the dissolving rate and speed frequently associated with more aggressive base components.  ScaleBreak-SS base properties are safe for the prolonged exposure to stainless steel and eliminate the long-term potential of hydrogen embrittlement.  Protect your stainless steel investment and use ScaleBreak-SS, the top choice for professionals.



SCALEBREAK®-MP descaler quickly dissolves mineral deposits like limescale safely. This high-performance biodegradable industrial descaler will quickly dissolve calcium, lime, rust, and other types of deposits from passages in water-cooled or heated equipment, like chiller tubes, boiler tubes, brazed plate heat exchangers, and so much more. It is safe for use on steel, iron, brass, copper, plastic, and rubber. When used as directed, it will help improve the operating efficiency and extend the life of your equipment.



We’ve helped people descale for a long time, and we find that the best way is to combine our ScaleBreak with our GDS Clean-in-place Scale Removal systems. Our GDS systems effectively pump the ScaleBreak chemical through your systems and offer advanced features like flow reversal to increase the descaling performance. Using clean in place (CIP) technology, you are able to remove limescale, calcium, and mineral deposits as well as rust from HVAC and process manufacturing equipment without disassembling it. These systems are perfect for plate and frame heat exchangers, shell and tube heat exchangers, heat exchanger tubes, evaporative coolers, pumps, boiler tubes, chiller tubes, and virtually any hydronic system. Our GDS Clean-in-place systems come in various sizes and flow rates to ensure your preventive maintenance cleaning is successful. 

Please reach out to Goodway today and allow us the opportunity to show how we can help you.